The marriage of Silvia and Marco

Matrimonio Franciacorta Villa Baiana


Stories of wedding in Franciacorta

The brief interview to our couples…because experiences told from who lived them have another taste…

Who are you?
Silvia & MArco

Describe you in a word…

How and when did you meet?
We met 13 years ago in a pub in Carrobbio degli Angeli (Bg). It was a sudden meeting; Marco was with some friends and he came with them to my table, I was with some friends too. Marco’s friend got married to my best friend after 10 years of engagement and we after 11 😊

Quando vi siete sposati?
9th September 2016

Your wedding in a word…

Theme of your wedding, why? 
The theme of our marriage was wine, like party favors for best men. We liked the idea of wine linked to the environment and to your delicious Franciacorta wine. The color chosen instead wasTiffany. I wolud have preferred yellow, but Marco did not like it and so we decided for a color that pleased both of us.

The strangest thing organized for your wedding…
A quiz game organized by our friends that resumed our entire love story and life, so exciting!.
Instead for us when I sang a song for Marco “Io ricomincerei” by Nek.

How did you come to know Villa Baiana, would you recommend it? Why?

We had the opportunity of hearing about Villa Baiana thanks to a colleague of Marco, who was there as a guest and we fell in love immediately with the place.

We thank Anna and Beppe for everything they have done for us and for making this day unforgettable.
And not only this day but also my birthday on April 23rd and the wedding anniversary on September 9th, 2017.

Ph. Le spose di Elle

Matrimonio Franciacorta Villa Baiana
Sposi Marco e Silvia
Nozze in Franciacorta
Wedding cake
Wedding italy
Anna e Giuseppe Villa Baiana